I really would like to blog more. The problem comes from lack of time. When I am in school (I'm going back to school at UVU to make a career change into computer network engineering and administration) I have classes full-time and I work part-time. This, along with the church calling I have as the Elders Quorum 1st Counselor, leaves me very little time, which I usually try to spend with my family. Thus, I hardly ever blog and hardly ever get on Facebook any more.
Today, on this beautiful white and snowy Easter day, I wanted to finally blog about a highlight in my life I have not yet blogged about - the birth of our wonderful baby girl Grace Lolene Gifford on December 3rd, 2009. This new addition to our family has been so wonderful! It has been over six years since we've had a baby, so it's like we'd kind of forgotten what it was like. Every day I look forward to arriving home just to take this darling baby in my arms and give her hugs, kisses, squeezes and smiles. Yesterday she turned 4 months old. She is so responsive and mild mannered. I'm not saying she never cries, but I'm saying that she just seems to handle her hunger pains and uncomfortableness with stoicism. She stays happy for so long, when other babies would already be crying. Her smiles are just so adorable!!!
Here's a picture of her:

Isn't she just a doll?!!!
Today, on this beautiful white and snowy Easter day, I wanted to finally blog about a highlight in my life I have not yet blogged about - the birth of our wonderful baby girl Grace Lolene Gifford on December 3rd, 2009. This new addition to our family has been so wonderful! It has been over six years since we've had a baby, so it's like we'd kind of forgotten what it was like. Every day I look forward to arriving home just to take this darling baby in my arms and give her hugs, kisses, squeezes and smiles. Yesterday she turned 4 months old. She is so responsive and mild mannered. I'm not saying she never cries, but I'm saying that she just seems to handle her hunger pains and uncomfortableness with stoicism. She stays happy for so long, when other babies would already be crying. Her smiles are just so adorable!!!
Here's a picture of her:
Isn't she just a doll?!!!